Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Pass

Hey Now! When a friend of mine who works at Sirius XM told me had an appointment with Gary Dell'Abate, I invited myself along. Here are the results. MK

Door to the Compound

As is often stated on the show, "The Compound" is segregated from all other Sirius offices/studios/people. You can see the "Restricted Area" sign to the right, and a special level of access is needed to penetrate that space. This is to keep curiosity seekers (like myself) out and so Howard can do his show in peace with being stalked, or even looked in the eye, for that matter....

Howard, Fred and BabaBooey painting

The first things you see once you open to door to the Gateway of the Devil's Lair, on the wall to the right, are paintings of all the cast members. The first one, natch, is Howard. Note the chessboard motif. Fred is from Mars.... and Gary's has the monkey theme, duh.

Howard Wall

Despite being very small, comfortable for only about three to stand, Gary's office has two doors, perpendicular to each other. So in a way, it is a "corner office", though not really. It has no windows. One door looks out into Scott's engineering studio, the other into a 'bullpen", even called as such, containing workplaces for Jon Hein (co-host of the Wrap-up Show), Will Murray, Jason Kaplan, etc. I saw Will and Jon, but did not talk to them. Jon was wearing headphones facing away from me, staring at his computer screen, and I did not want to bug him. Those guys' names are all listed on the wall nearby where they sit. Also on that wall is this giant image of Howard, taken from the opening to all the episodes put on Howard TV.

Gary's Office

One of the two doors to Baba Booey's office.

MK and BabaBooey

Gary is exactly like the nice, normal guy he seems like on the air. Despite trying to run the world's number one radio show, promoting his book all over the place and it being his oldest son's 16th birthday, Gary took the time out for some pictures with someone who had absolutely no reason to even be around, giving me a free, personalized autograph book. I stood in his tiny little office where he talks to Howard from over his "squawkbox". I think right now, both his personal and professional lives area a "noine". And he deserves it.

The Book